Working at home

We are encouraged to work from home more and more these days … sounds great. But some times it can feel a bit lonely and things can quickly get on top of you.

Take regular breaks

So we have put together some simple suggestions to keep things on track. mentally and physically.

Take a break, Sounds simple, but i am sure its something we all forget to do … “let me just finish this … then i’ll have a break” Sound familiar? Take a walk around the block, put the telly on for 10 minutes, watch a cat being funny on youtube, stretching exercises … whatever it is … as long as it’s not work and away from your desk.

Coffee Break
Coffee Break

Routine, This one is difficult to stick at i know, but it makes a big difference. Have a start and finish time. Make sure you have a proper lunch break.
Do all those things you would normally do, shower, breakfast loose your door keys (joking)


Desk, Have a work space, a place that feels like a proper work space, rather than laptop on lap sat on the sofa. (as nice as that sounds its hard to get things done) Try and find a decent supportive chair to sit on, good lighting and a window if your lucky enough, plants too.
Can find some stationery bargains in Wilko and Tiger, to make it feel like a real office.

Tidy desk
Beautiful work space

Zoom, We all love zoom. Use it for more than just meetings. try a zoom coffee with a colleague or a mate. Have a natter and a coffee. Maybe facetime is your thing. Whatever you feel comfortable using. Try and keep it a daily thing, so you feel less isolated.

Zoom with a friend
Zoom a friend

Family/Housemates, Try and be flexible and let those who live with you know when you are working. Have a chat and explain your needs and be flexible so it works for everyone. Once you have a few boundaries sorted it should all be a little easier for everyone.

Working Together
Work together

Be kind, … goes without saying but always forgotten. Be kind and patient to yourself. self care is king.

Be Kind
Be Kind

A done list, Something thats good to do … well i find it helpful, is a done list at the end of the day. Often we forget how much we do, and tend to get anxious that we haven’t achieved enough that day. forgetting the 30 emails sent, excel spreadsheet finished and the R&D work done with that new software we got.

a completed today list
Write a done list

Go Home When you should finish work, stop working. shut down and kick back. Easy to say, much harder to do i know.

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